Kiel Unger Massage Therapy Blog

Kiel Unger, NCTMB, is a nationally certified massage therapist serving the Sun City Center area of Florida. Specializing in medical massage therapy, Kiel Unger is a registered provider with major health insurance companies. Visit us at our web site and LinkedIn.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Announcing Kiel Unger Massage Therapy on Twitter @massage__helps!

Kiel Unger Massage Therapy Blog has changed to a micro-blog on Twitter! Please follow us @massage__helps!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Workers' Compensation: Massage Therapy Can Help

Many workers' compensation injuries can be helped through medical massage therapy. Kiel Unger Massage Therapy in the Bradenton, FL, area has established a web page dedicated to workers' compensation issues. Mr. Unger is an experienced massage therapist who has treated many workers injured on the job, and can navigate the workers' compensation system easily. For more information, please visit the Kiel Unger Massage Therapy website or call 610-212-8865.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Massage as Preventive Medicine for Stress-Related Health Issues

Chronic stress causes a stress response that continues even after true threat to survival has passed. The continued release of stress response hormones lowers immunity, and interrupts normal functioning of digestive and other body systems. If left untreated, chronic stress will eventually cause long-term, expensive health issues such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other illnesses. If we think about preventing long-term medical interventions, doesn't it make sense to prevent as many of these consequences as possible? Massage therapy is one such method of reversing stress responses. Booking regular massage therapy sessions is a great way to care for your health. It's also cost-effective if we weigh the cost of monthly massage expenses against diabetic medications or heart surgery. It's time we stop thinking of massage therapy as an indulgence and begin using it as part of our long-term plan to avoid the consequences of chronic stress. For more information about the benefits of massage therapy, please visit the Kiel Unger Massage Therapy website.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Do You Use a Cane? Ease Soreness with Massage!

As the baby boom generation reaches its 6th and 7th decades, more of the population will need assistance walking with canes, crutches for injuries, or walkers. While crutches and walkers usually cause tiredness and soreness on both sides of the body, using a cane recruits only the weakest side of the body. As the body begins to rely on this "third leg", the body's own balance and stability also begins to work differently. This causes dependence on the cane and a temporary loss of balance should the cane become suddenly unavailable. Massage therapy can help not only with tiredness in the arm and shoulder using the cane, but also with helping the body maintain its sense of balance. For more information on the benefits of massage therapy, please visit the Kiel Unger Massage Therapy website.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Massage Helps Common Problem

Back pain. It is one of the chief complaints for which patients seek doctors' help. Barring obvious trauma or injury, origins of back pain can take time to figure out. One of the most helpful ways to feel better quickly involves massage therapy. Massage therapy releases pain-relieving "feel good" chemicals in the brain, and kneading muscle tissue brings increased circulation and blood flow.  Massage has a huge advantage over pain medication, in that it is a non-invasive and non-drug option for pain relief. Talk to your massage therapist and physician to make sure massage therapy is a good fit for you. For more information on the benefits of massage therapy, please visit the Kiel Unger Massage Therapy website.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Massage Recommended for Breast Cancer Patients

The Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) has published guidelines for use of integrative therapies in breast cancer patients and survivors. The SIO is an international organization of cancer researchers, oncologists, nurses, dietitians, holistic practitioners and other healthcare professionals. These experts evaluated over 200 published studies on use of integrative therapies in breast cancer patients, and wrote recommendations for the therapies with the most evidence of effectiveness. The SIO guidelines recommend massage therapy for depression and mood disturbances in breast cancer patients. Massage produces a relaxation response that provides many benefits, including elevating mood. For more information on the benefits of massage, please visit the Kiel Unger Massage Therapy website.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

How Massage Helps People with Diabetes

No matter which type of diabetes you or your loved one may have, massage therapy can help in several ways. Massage therapy increases circulation, which can help the body use insulin more efficiently. The relaxation massage induces calms the nervous system, allowing organs to function better overall. To avoid a sedentary lifestyle, use massage to increase mobility and improve tissue elasticity. For those who must inject insulin daily, massage offers treatment for the chronic buildup of scar tissue that can limit mobility in injection areas. Finally, as we have previously noted in this blog, massage can help improve nerve functioning by increasing sensation. Remember, always check your blood sugar before and after massage therapy for safety. For more information on the benefits of massage therapy, please visit Kiel Unger Massage Therapy.